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Friday, January 16, 2009

Travel with Kids Part 1

I am sure that many of us have heard horror stories about being cooped up in a car or airplane for hours at a time with cranky kids. "Are we there yet?" "How much longer?" "Megan is 'looking' at me!" "I have to go to the bathroom--RIGHT NOW!" There are endless instances when children can get on our nerves when travelling. Here are a few tips that may help soften the travel woes...
Create a TRAVEL SURVIVAL KIT packed with small travel toys and games. Use a bright back-pack or tote bag dedicated to the purpose. Include age-appropriate toys, such as an etch-a-sketch for preschool drawing fun, magnetic letter board for a toddler, sticker, puzzle or joke books for a grade-schooler. Interactive games can keep siblings happy-like Brain Quest cards with age-appropriate puzzles and questions, or even a simple deck of playing cards. Nowadays, portable DVD players and hand-held video games can keep kids trouble-free and occupied for hours. If you do take electronic things like a Game-Gear, be sure to take extra batteries.
Snacks can be healthy carrot sticks, crackers, pretzels, cheese or fruit. Try to keep the sugar content down for less hyperactive kids. Choose juice boxes and water bottles instead of canned soft drinks.
Take CD's along with their favourite music, as well as family music that you can all sing together while travelling.

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