Saturday, January 17, 2009
In today's market, high-end clothing and furnishings are becoming as popular in the US as they have always been in Europe. Americans have practically been conditioned to go for quantity over quality, and it ends up costing them more in the long run. If many US consumers were to go into a high-end furnishing store and see a simple chair they loved, but saw that it was $1,500.00 dollars, they may turn around and walk right out. A European would inquire about the chairs quality, durability, warranty, and versatility, then weigh its attributes against a cheaper version that cost half as much. Most often the cheaper version will be similar in looks, but the original version will last 5 times longer than the lower quality copy. In theory, the European consumer just saved over double the higher-end chairs worth. An example of one such high-end company is the brand B&B Italia. As the name obviously suggests, these gorgeous modern furnishings are made with pride in Italy, and exported all over the world. Read about it here at Read full text of 'Furniture with Integrity' at www.ModernFurnitureClassics.com. I had a friend who once worked for a showroom that sold this particular brand, and the attention to detail is impeccable. They come with high price tags, but the quality put into them is made to last. Now let's switch gears and dicuss about The fact that the whole world is in a state of upheaval, as markets crash and credit crunches, pundits expound theories and point fingers - but at the core, at the very center of this tremendous surge of uncertainty is the question of 'integrity'. I am sure there is an evolution in consumer behavior given the recent crisis questioning integrity of people doing business in the market place. Big furniture stores are part of the economic fabric and people are going to shop from suppliers that are reputable and have a history of integrity.