Why settle for good old English when you can share the joy of the New Year in a unique way? Skip your usual new year's greetings this year, and share your good wishes with friends and family in a different language instead. Whether you're sending a card, rejoicing at midnight, or just calling people on New Year's Day, here's how to say 'Happy New Year' in ten different languages:
Happy New Year in Japanese
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! (ah-keh-mah-shteh oh-meh-deh-toe go-zah-ee-mahss)
This literally translates to 'congratulations on the dawn of a New Year!', and you'll hear it during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
TELL ME MORE - Global Leader in Language Learning Software.
Happy New Year in Italian
Felice Nuovo Anno! (Fell-ee-che noo-ovo ahn-o)
This also translates to 'congratulations for the New Year!', and accompanies a grand toast and feast.
Happy New Year in Finnish
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta! (On-el-eesta oota vu-oh-ta)
Finland rings in the New Year with a grand feast and special baked treats at midnight. Be ready to share some freshly cut New Year's bread along with your greeting.
Happy New Year in Swahili
Nakutakaia Heri Ya Mwaka Mpya!
You'll be showering New Year greetings on everyone you meet with this simple greeting.
Happy New Year in German
Prosit Neujahr (proezit noy yahr)
You'll want to grab your favorite German brew to toast to the New Year, and attend a special feast. This translation is roughly 'Cheers to the New Year!' with plenty of clanking mugs of beer in the background.
Happy New Year in Chinese
Chu Shen Tan (choo shen taan)
A simple way to celebrate the Western New Year and Chinese New Year, this greeting is also easy to scribble on a card or letter.
Happy New Year in Hawaiian
Hauoli Makahiki Hou (how-OH-lee mah-kah-hee-kee ho)
If you've been singing Mele Kalikimaka all season long, this greeting can round out your Hawaiian-inspired trend.
TELL ME MORE - Global Leader in Language Learning Software.
Happy New Year in Norwegian
Godt Nyttar (got newt or)
Norway usually rings in the New Year with fog and cold temperatures, and getting up super-early for a New Year's day walk is a popular activity.
Why settle for good old English when you can share the joy of the New Year in a unique way? Skip your usual new year's greetings this year, and share your good wishes with friends and family in a different language instead. Whether you're sending a card, rejoicing at midnight, or just calling people on New Year's Day, here's how to say 'Happy New Year' in ten different languages:
Happy New Year in Japanese
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! (ah-keh-mah-shteh oh-meh-deh-toe go-zah-ee-mahss)
This literally translates to 'congratulations on the dawn of a New Year!', and you'll hear it during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
Happy New Year in Italian
Felice Nuovo Anno! (Fell-ee-che noo-ovo ahn-o)
This also translates to 'congratulations for the New Year!', and accompanies a grand toast and feast.
Happy New Year in Finnish
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta! (On-el-eesta oota vu-oh-ta)
Finland rings in the New Year with a grand feast and special baked treats at midnight. Be ready to share some freshly cut New Year's bread along with your greeting.
Happy New Year in Swahili
Nakutakaia Heri Ya Mwaka Mpya!
You'll be showering New Year greetings on everyone you meet with this simple greeting.
Happy New Year in German
Prosit Neujahr (proezit noy yahr)
You'll want to grab your favorite German brew to toast to the New Year, and attend a special feast. This translation is roughly 'Cheers to the New Year!' with plenty of clanking mugs of beer in the background.
Happy New Year in Chinese
Chu Shen Tan (choo shen taan)
A simple way to celebrate the Western New Year and Chinese New Year, this greeting is also easy to scribble on a card or letter.
Happy New Year in Hawaiian
Hauoli Makahiki Hou (how-OH-lee mah-kah-hee-kee ho)
If you've been singing Mele Kalikimaka all season long, this greeting can round out your Hawaiian-inspired trend.
Happy New Year in Norwegian
Godt Nyttar (got newt or)
Norway usually rings in the New Year with fog and cold temperatures, and getting up super-early for a New Year's day walk is a popular activity.
TELL ME MORE - Global Leader in Language Learning Software.
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god byrjun
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