"Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday accused Democrat Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists" because of an association with a former '60s radical, stepping up an effort to portray Obama as unacceptable to American voters. Palin's reference was to Bill Ayers, one of the founders of the group the Weather Underground. Its members took credit for bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol, during the Vietnam War era."

We've got about thirty days left until Election Day. If voters know the truth about Obama's friendship with Ayers and still elect him, I will have to live with that. But I suspect that most common folks have no idea exactly how bad Ayers is, nor do they realize just how close he is and was to Obama. The main-stream media "Filters" much of the negative aspects of Obama. They won't even print Obama's middle name which is "HUSSEIN"! This, of course, is exactly why the McCain Palin campaign must do a better job of informing the public of this fact. I hope John McCain will somehow bring this up tonight at the debate. Get a clear answer and find out who is Obama? Where are his records? McCain might be old and boring but one thing is for sure, he did serve this country patriotically.

By bringing it up on the campaign trail, Palin is playing a traditional role of the vice presidential nominee and becoming the so-called "attack dog". If McCain is going to have a chance to win this race, he will need to take the gloves off NOW and unleash Palin to do so. Last thursday's night debate view by more than 70 million people was a great opening ring to this political boxing match featuring Sarah Palin's knock out smiles along with her sharp edge wits.
Sarah Palin continues at a Florida rally on Monday that Barack Obama wants to establish almost $1 trillion in new programs. One would ask, where would this money come from? Increase taxes of course. So I guess we still have money after the $700 billion dollar bail out which promises to serve merely as a cushion to the impending economic slowdown. Unemployment rate is already at 6.1% and forecast to raise further during the slowdown and here comes Obama wanting to increase capital gains tax? America is better than that and should know better.
Palin also continued to sound off on Obama's alleged ties to William Ayers, a University of Illinois-Chicago professor and former 1960s militant whom she and GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain of Arizona say influenced the Democrat's views of the United States.

"I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America as you and I do -- as the greatest source for good in the world," as reported of what Palin as saying. Obama's campaign has denied that Ayers and the nominee were ever close, calling Palin's assertions "offensive," and point out that Obama is calling for tax cuts for those making less than $250,000 a year, the newspaper said.
In deciphering Obamas double talk about taxes. I think GOP need to make the important point that millions of middle-class retirees, even those with pensions, are largely dependent on investment income.

help me.
not bad.
not bad.
yeah! its much better,
wow, very special, i like it.
I am one of those who had no idea about Obama and Ayers until you and Lot2learn did your recent posts.
Thank you for sharing this information, I am both shocked and mortified at this.
This type of article seems to beg the other side to stop. I like Obama until this stuff came out and we have a right to hear it. Some say just because they were on the same board is okay. And let's not forget Obama was only 8 years old. Okay, now, let's say your kid who maybe was 8 or younger when Osama bombed us grows up to be on the same board with him... that's okay in this view? What's the dif? Osama succeeded? Jeeze, Gdam America! That's actually better? Go ahead defend Obama for the people he knows, but think about it... being democrate doesn't mean this! Or does it?
Which branch of the armed services was Obama in, I forgot? Why would anyone join the military with Obama as commander-in-chief? Why follow his orders, he's never fired a gun and doesn't think anyone should own one. You think Putin will take over all of Europe or just Eastern Europe when Obama's President? I know, I know, Obama will call for a summit to bring the finest minds together and then will condemn, in the harshest tone possible, Russia's agression and all the world will be a happy place because Obama has spoken. Maybe all of those who voted for Obama will sign up for the military. We can all joint ROTC at Columbia.
When elected, is Obama just going to continually blame W. for everything. What are Obama's ideas for the economy? That Keynesian stimulus package didn't work. Is he going to try another one? Which regulations is he going to push through and how will they work? Is he going to dissolve Fannie and Freddie? Is he going to amend the National Bank Act or repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley? Please tell me what Obama's ideas are because blaming W. for everything is not an idea. It is an excuse. Obama's record is that he doesn't have one. His ideas are that he's not W. He is certainly calm and cool. Why wouldn't he be, he doesn't do anything. The last four years are the longest he's held a full-time job in his life and he's spent most of the time running for President and the rest of the time writing another dull book about his insipid insights inspired by a man whom he claims now that he didn't know was an anti-american nut.
The "Oh, yeah? You hung out with..." argument won't work for a simple reason: American knows John McCain and what he stands for and has done. Maybe they agree, maybe they don't. Obama we flat out don't know. "Who is this guy? What's his world view?" We have no deeds to tell us. We can only judge by who he's followed, who he's worked with, who he's hung with, who he's sat under. And we look for patterns. And the pattern suggests very strongly a politician who grew out of Marxist, Anti-American soil (fertilized with the manure of dirty Chicago politics, I might add.) That's all we have. Well, except for a scant legislative voting record that sits squarely at the far left of the political spectrum. "Who is Barack Obama?" has to be the question answered before we hand over the keys.
Obama is not someone who will be looking to help average working Americans,as he has shown by cavorting with some of these criminals and anti-Americans,as well as racists from his former church.He just claims to disown them and his followers believe him.I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceburg.He'll have no shortage of people to pay back,for staying out of the spotlight,or fading away,until after the election.By then,it will be too late.Don't fall for his excuses,America.Defeat him on election day.Goodbye hopes and so long dreams.
William Ayers - Founded Weather underground a radical underground movement that fought america's involvement in the Vietnam war. Here are some facts on the Vietnam war: America humiliatingly left Vietnam with over 50,000 killed in action. It was a war in a foriegn land thousands of miles away from our shores where millions of natives too lost their lives. All for what? - Was it to ensure people in other lands follow our ideals by force? Or did we fight God's cause in spreading Democracy? Today again we are in a far away land in Iraq trying to impose our will on others by force. 4000 plus american soldiers dead, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead. In doing so we are killing our own economy paying for the wars through our noses. Neither Vietnamese nor the Iraqis attacked us. In both cases we went there for a strategic purpose. We went to Vietnam we went there to stop the spread of communism which was in utmost strategic interest to us. Yet in doing so we also killed millions of Vietnamese. In case of Iraq they said it was WMDs which were never found. Yet hundreds and thousands of iraqis are killed. Are we really the shining city on the hill? Or are we deluding ourselves?
Reverand wright said - America got what it deserved on 9/11 Fact: CIA funded and created the religious Frankenstien Mujahideen to fight the godless Soviets in Afganistan. The Mujahideen after the Soviets left morphed into Taliban. After Soviets left Taliban turned on the great Satan US. America's Frankenstien chickens indeed came home to roost. William Ayers - Founded Weather underground a radical underground movement that fought america's involvement in the much hated Vietnam war. Fact: America lost the war in Vietnam with over 50,000 killed in action. In a foriegn land where millions of natives too lost their lives. All for what? - to ensure people in other lands follow our ideals at GUNPOINT. Today again we are in a far away land in Iraq trying to impose our will on others at GUNPOINT. 4000 plus american soldiers dead, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead.In doing so we are killing our own economy paying for the wars through our noses. Iraqis never asked us to intervene to liberate them. Yet we call our land the shining city on the hill.
In fact, by 1997 Obama and Ayers were collaborators on a far more significant level. They sat together for several years on the board of the Woods Fund, a left-wing Chicago charitable organization. There, they doled out tens of thousands of dollars to such beneficiaries as the Trinity Church (where Obama was a longtime member and where another Obama mentor, Jeremiah Wright, preached a radical, anti-American brand of Black Liberation Theology) and the Arab American Action Network (co-founded by Rashid Khalidi, a Yasser Arafat apologist who has supported attacks against Israel and now directs Columbia University?s notorious Middle East Institute, founded by Edward Said). Even more intriguing, in 1995 Ayers won a $49.2 million grant from the Annenberg Foundation ? matched two-to-one by public and private contributions ? to promote ?reform? in the Chicago school system. He quickly brought in Obama, then all of 33 and bereft of any executive experience, to chair the board. With Ayers directing the project?s operational arm and Obama overseeing its financial affairs until 1999, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge distributed more than $100 million to ideological allies with no discernible improvement in public education.
You wrote, "The main-stream media "Filters" much of the negative aspects of Obama. They won't even print Obama's middle name which is "HUSSEIN"! This, of course, is exactly why the McCain Palin campaign must do a better job of informing the public of this fact."
I appreciate that this post is probably a party political broadcast on behalf of McCain and Palin, but I found that particular reference to be racist and offensive. So what if his middle name is Hussein? What are you trying to tell us? Will it be Obama Bin Biden jokes next? (Thought that one was quite funny myself!)
I'm a European and you guys are playing on an international stage now, one where you have a diminishing amount of power, influence and respect in the world. It's wakey-wakey time! China is set to occupy your position of leading global economic power. They have more capacity to do so too. Europe's financial systems have been contaminated with your own version of financial recklessness. "...a man who sees America as you and I do -- as the greatest source for good in the world" is unlikely to be believed outside the USA.
Better get out there and focus on whole world issues rather than the personalities of four individuals who will ultimately influence nothing.
Thanks for a provocative post!
:ove the empty box cartoon--ain't it the truth???
It is heartening to read that there are still those out there that are sickened by the Obama/Ayers relationship. Since McCain is about as moderate/middle of the road that a Republican candidate can get it is interesting to see how far left the left will go in supporting a Communist/Socialist/Anarchist for president.
I think the problem of Obama's friends is something that needs to be aired.
I remember the old adage: Show me your friends and your acquaintances and I can tell you what you are. I am not talking about race, it's character regardless of the color of your skin, values!!!
So much of what Barack Obama is or was is not being looked into by the main street media. I need answers to these questions, not your opinions. I want the facts.
I prefer that the American people not the media elect our next President.
Nothing is more important than checking whether Obama will work for the United States or for our enemies. His life-long association with people who hate America is truly scary.
I'm terrified watching how people in the United States are being manipulated just like people in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador to put a Marxist in power.
Ecuadorians were fooled into believing that the young and charismatic candidate with no experience would bring CHANGE and help the poor. CHANGE and YES WE CAN were Rafael Correa’s slogans.
When they discovered they had made a mistake, it was too late. The CHANGE has been towards Marxism and greater poverty. YES WE CAN means that Marxists like Correa.
Obama’s book “Dreams of My Father” confirms the 1970 date for the entrance exam. On page 38, where he talks about being eager to start school (a new school): “I had gone for several interviews with Punahou’s admissions officer the previous summer.” Later, he mentions that he was 10 years old when he first attended Punahou, so he was nine, and in Hawaii, when he applied for admission.
Did he return to Indonesia in 1970? Not according to the book, which only details one typically dramatic return to Hawaii and his grandparents, by himself, and there are dozens of news stories out there that routinely state that his mother (and half-sister) followed him to Hawaii a year later. That was just before Christmas of 1971, and the visit of his alleged father, Barack Obama, Sr. — when he was 10. So that’s yet another unanswered question — did he go to another school in Hawaii in 1970, or no school at all? Did he travel back and forth from Indonesia in 1970 and just, well, forgot to mention it? It’s somewhat coincidental that the second Indonesian school that he claims to have attended for two years (which would include 1970) reports that “the bugs ate his records,” while the first school was able to show the media a well-preserved copy of his original registration record there, miraculously unscathed by bugs.
As far as his paternity goes, if BO, Sr. was his father, it was certainly a well-kept secret. Aside from the story woven in Obama’s book, there’s only been one quoted independent eyewitness to the fact that BO, Sr. and Anne Dunham were even acquainted, and that is Democratic U.S. Congressman Neil Abercrombie, who also happens to be a spokesman for the Obama campaign in Hawaii. Nobody was invited to the wedding of which there is no record — apparently, no one even knew there was a wedding, or a child, as evidenced by the photos of and “reminiscenses” by former college classmates of Obama, Sr. at this site. There are no pictures of them together at that time, and no mention of her or the child in an interviews published in the Hawaii newpapers at the time of Obama, Sr.’s graduation from Uof H. Obama wonders about that himself, in his book, but the media doesn’t.
It seems that you can crudely and obscenely question the parentage of anyone nowadays in the media — from Jesus Christ to Sarah Palin — but you may never, ever question the glorious historical narrative of Barack Hussein Obama II.
I think it was reported that when he was at Occidental, he supported the Black Panthers. I think it was reported
that he was an average student at most, at Occidental. So he wouldn’t he got into Columbia without affirmative action. When he applied to Columbia, they were probably trying to increase the number of black students enrolled. Obama’s campaign probably can’t stand that some of this informationis known. Despite the fact that schools have lower admissions standards for black applicants and make it easier for them to get accepted, Obama’s friends like Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton still whine.
At Princeton, Obama’s wife wrote a racist thesis.
So it’s not much of a surprise that fit in at Jeremiah Wright’s church. And since Wright’s church honored Farrakhan, it would make sense that someone with a Muslim background would fit in. If Obama had officially converted to Christianity, wouldn’t Muslims have issues a ‘fatwa’ against him? Wright’s church was more of a political “black supremacist” group than a church. So it makes sense that Obama and his wife enjoyed it there.
Brezinski is probably considered a mentor to Obama’s campaign. I think some of Obama’s advisers, like Susan Rice, are close with Brezinski. Brezinski is an anti-semite, like others who Obama has long relationships with.
The point people keep missing is how Obama sends these funds NOT to schools… but to groups to teach “radical” views. It’s not only the association of a man who bombed the US years ago… but this man still have these beliefs TODAY. And as an adult, Obama is “friendly” with him (per David Axelrod in the primaries). The question is… if you think “radical” views is the “education” you want to instill in young-minds, then yes… Obama is your man.
Axelrod also said that Mayor Daley (Chicago’s mayor) asked Ayers to help w/Chicago Education Reform. Ha ha ha… it is one of the WORSE school system in the nation! I know, b/c I lived in the mayors neighborhood. B/c the neighborhood elementary school was soooooo bad, I was hoping the gov’t there would do something about their own backyard, but nope. why should they care? their children all go to private schools any way. Well, the story of my life.
another point, Ayers and Obama met at Univ of Chicago, and now he’s at Univ of Illinois @ Chicago. I wonder why? hmmm. Sat in a class where Ayers is there now, where the professor kept hating on the gov’t and the U.S…. I couldn’t help it but had to drop that class and sign up for another. If little old me couldn’t stand it, how could a presidential nominee deal w/Wright, Ayers, ACORN, and Rezco? And that’s not all of his questionable association yet. A person is who he associates himself with… and in this case, 4 negative association was not enough.
Yet Obama’s supporters keep finding excuse for him. Yes, let’s teach the kids to hate the country and question EVERYTHING they do… whether they’re democrats, republicans, or independent… it’s never enough. Even when the country becomes radical, let’s still stand up to the gov’t and our parents.
I'm sorry, but you and the people who commented here really need to do your homework, research and fact-checking before spouting off about things that absolutely are not true. Or perhaps you actually do take everything you read and hear at face value? If so, that's sad.
Perhaps you'd be interested in doing a little fact-checking into McCain's domestic terrorist allies? How about Sarah Palin's husband who belonged to a political party who wanted Alaska to secede from the United States and spewed really hateful, horrible things about America? He switched parties when his wife got into politics, but she recorded a video for them just one year ago where she told them to "keep up the good work". Fact-checking, "my friend" ... it's a good thing.
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well palin is not good for US.
I don't care about Obama's middle name. He could be named Jack "Buzzsaw" McPlumberton (of the Saginaw McPlumbertons), and his politics and associations would be no less odious.
McCain is closer in politics to Clinton than Bush, a triangulating centrist. Obama is the closest thing we've ever had to a Marxist on a major party ticket.
There is a Weathermen Documentary here
Warning: it's NSFW and may turn your stomach upside down.
I was almost listening until you starting complaining about the media not making a big deal of Obama's middle name. That smacks of racism to me. Having the middle name "Hussein" (or any other name) does not in any way impact a person's character or ability to perform in any capacity. When people start pointing to that, they're merely fanning the flames of xenophobia, racism and hatred. It obscures the facts.
The McCain-ers have really fallen for the Ayers thing. The bulk of the interactions b/w Obama and Ayers came through their participation on a board for education reform in Chicago, which raised a lot of money for Chicago's schools. It was an Annenberg funded board with both Dems and Republicans. The Annenbergs themselves are Republicans who support McCain. Others on the board have contributed to McCain's campaign too. By your logic, this would implicate McCain too. There was also a coffee hosted by Ayers at a hotel at which a state senator introduced Obama. I think if this freaks you out, then you've been manipulated by the McCain campaign. The Ayers thing should be a non-issue in the Obama campaign. It speaks to a feeble and desperate campaign. I would respect the McCain supporters a lot more if they could address issues that actually mean something to our lives.
Thank you for getting the truth out about Obama. I think Obama's campaign wants to try and discourage McCain supporters from going to vote. This race is closing in again.
Maybe you haven't noticed but no one prints John McCain's middle name either. Middle names have no relevance in this campaign at all. If Saddam Hussein's name was Saddam al Blahblahblah, Barack Obama's middle name would have no meaning to you or anyone else. I don't like Barack Obama, and don't want to see him as president, but petty attacks about his name just make you look like a petty little douche bag.
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A man begins scathing his perceptiveness teeth the initially often he bites out more than he can chew.
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I don't like the sound of all those lists he's making - it's like taking too many notes at philosophy; you feel you've achieved something when you haven't.
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