First Obama is the Messiah and now he's got his own constitution which dates back perhaps to his radical left wing associations to Bill Ayers, Farrakhan, Wright and Khallidi. I guess people are flocking to live in Chicago given the leadership of this town and it's influence from the far-left. We could ask the major..right? I wonder what the crime rate or school boards are like in Chicago? Ever wonder why these left wingers all seem to be very quiet recently? I wonder who these folks would be voting for? Should you vote on the same ticket as them? Recent news about Obama's re-defining or in another words correcting this nation's founding fathers is simply appauling.

If people thought Joe the Plumber was some kind of stumble for Barack Obama, a rediscovered interview from 2001 should dispel any doubts about Barack Obama’s redistributionism. Seven years ago, Obama told Chicago Public Radio that the Warren Court was too conservative and missed its opportunity to redistribute wealth on a much grander scale. In fact, Obama wanted them to break the Constitution and reorder American society far outside of what the founders intended.
Re-distribution of wealth
Speak out against the framers
As Obama campaign staffers were busy unearthing connections between John McCain and the Keating Five, G. Gordon Liddy, and ACORN itself, Barack Obama must have been adding to his daily prayers the hope and wish that a 2001 interview with Chicago Public Radio would not make it into the media. It appears that the deity in charge of elections is not listening at the moment, and YouTube has a clip of said interview.
US News reported in 2001 Barack Obama discussed the use of the United States Supreme Court as a vehicle that could be used to "spread the wealth." During the interview, Senator Obama stated that "the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth" and he also figured that it is entirely plausible to "come up with a rationale for bringing about economic change through the courts."

Barack Obama's record reveals him to be the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate. That makes total sense. Listen to him talk. Note his philosophy.
I understand people wanting to have change. But change for the sake of change can be dangerous. This Chicago Public Radio interview, on WBEZ.FM, from 2001, shows that Obama's "spread the wealth around" statement to Joe Wurzelbacher wasn't an off-the-cuff, unfortunate choice of words.

I have trouble trusting a man who says one thing to one group, then says something else to another group on the same subject. Barack Obama has done this many times. We know where John McCain stands, like it or not.
Mr. Obama is for big government that promises, it seems, everything imaginable, but will pay for it by taxing the rich. This is called socialism. He has a health care plan that will cost billions of dollars. He also wants to bring back the death tax and the capital gains tax. John McCain is not in favor of raising taxes.

I cannot forget what happened on 9/11 when 2,000 people died an unjust death. John McCain wants to win the war in Iraq and stay on offense against the terrorists. A good defense is a good offense. Barack Obama would leave Iraq without preconditions and downsize our military.McCain wants to drill for oil while looking for new technologies. Obama is against drilling.
However, he is a man who has lived with honor his entire life. Agree with him or not, McCain is not a marketing image. He is what he is and I believe he’s an honorable man. I also think that his policies, while not 100% up my alley, will handle things far better than those of a man who is clearly extremely liberal and has, quite frankly, the shortest resume of any person ever nominated by a major political party for this office.
Lastly, the Democrats may even pick up seats in Congress (the same Congress with a 9%approval rating). The idea of the Democrats holding both houses of Congress – and an extremely liberal and partisan president – that should scare the crap out of anybody. It wasn’t good when the GOP had it – why would it be good when the left has it. Checks and balances are a good thing.
Having a Democrat in office isn’t a bad thing. But at least give me a moderate. Bill Clinton was pretty moderate, as an example. I’d rather have him back than Obama. Obama is off the chart FAR to the left, and that is something that, quite frankly, I don’t think this country deserves nor will do well with.