There is a popular Chinese novelist by the name of Jing Yong. He is a great writer and has become an Asian equivalent to Shakepeare minus a few degrees.
Shakespeare had Romeo and Juliet, Jing Yong had the Condor Hero trilogy. An epic story with the backdrop of factual Chinese History blended with adventure, romance and suspense. This is where we get the name little dragon girl. Little dragon girl was a character that appeared during the second part of this epic trilogy. She was the heroine who helped train and rescue a little abandoned boy. She first appeared in the story as an stoic teen who was forced to somehow rescue an abandoned boy whom was chased by his enemies. Being several years his senior, she initially became his martial art master. But as both grew older, that relationship blossomed toward a Romeo and Juliet type relationship which was considered to be a taboo by the ancient chinese culture of the time.
More to come.... of my son's little dragon girl.

Your blog is looking good. I'm only fairly new to blogging but I like how you have lots of photos and videos for people to look at :-)
I like you put that little dragon you tube, excellent
I saw the name "Little Dragon Girl" and the term "Gu Gu" and wondered... could that be referencing Condor Hero? It was!!
Watched that series (Mandarin Language/English Sub). The romance between Guo and LDG was just heart wrenching! The drama and multiple brushes with a near-unhappy ending had the definite feel of Asian cinema.
The actress who plays Rong Guo reminds me of someone, but I can't place her. :(
Very pretty actresses in that series. In particular, the actresses who played Fairy Witch Liu?, Little Dragon Girl, MS. Jade, and Xiang Guo(The Guo's youngest, but kind hearted daughter).
Awesome series and a must watch for anyone who is into Chinese history and enjoys a good Romance mixed with Kung Fu!
Hey, thanks for coming by my blog at and leaving a message at my MyBlogLog area. And yes I would like to trade links. I will add you today.
Wow...what a story.. Love the overall stories on this blog. This got the makings of a great great site!
This is a great blend of stories between East and West. Great job!
Your son is a lucky little guy.
I will keep coming back for more stories.
Condor Hero was my favorite childhood story as well.
I'm used to live in Asia, and I love those chinese songs. I've added you in my links.
I just love this series!
Good blend of Remeo and Little Dragon Girl
I think Little Dragon Girl alone can beat up both Romeo and Juliet together. :P
She is so pretty!! Who is she?
She should play Juliet! Love the blog and the overall theme. Very easy and sipping a cup of hot gourment coffee environment while sitting around with old friends kind of feeling.
Great writting:) and keep writting. Don't stop
Your new entry is interesting.YouTube is pretty wonderful isn't it?
Looks wonderful...
Wow..such beauty. I can't wait to read the rest of the story. I will be back.
Thanks so much for sharing with the world
hi, very colorful blog!!! Keep up the good work
Thanks for visiting my 'every little investment' blog ( I really like this Liu Yifei version of "Little Dragon Girl".
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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