I have been away from home for almost 28 days. It's been a long journey and every minute I passed seem to dread a little bit longer. Just two more days, 48 more hours, 2880 minutes until I see my little boy again. I didn't think I would end up counting the days on my calendar but I did. Our family had planned for the trip back to Asia almost 4 months ago. I was to head back to Malaysia while my wife would take our son to Hong Kong. This has been a dream trip for us for almost two years. We were never in the moment until it became a possibility about 4 months ago. We gladly took the opportunity and planned for a christmas in Asia family trip. We left together and I spent a week in Hong Kong with my wife and son

Mommy: Daddy is in Malaysia remember?
Son: O... yea..but why?
Mommy: Daddy is from Malaysia and he is spending sometime with his daddy
Son: Ok.
Mommy: Remember what daddy told you before he left?
Son: Yea, daddy said, if I miss him, I can do two things. One is to pick the phone and call him and two is to pray to God.
Mommy: That's right son. Do you want to call him now?
Son: No thanks, I want to watch spiderman with grandpa!
Mommy: But I thought you miss daddy!
Son: Hmmm...not really... I want to go watch spiderman with grandpa. YEA SPIDERMAN!
Well above was my wife's version of what happened and below is what my son told me.
Mommy: Daddy is in Malaysia remember?
Son: O yea but why?
Mommy: Daddy is from Malaysia and he is spending sometime with his daddy
Son: Ok but I miss him so much.
Mommy: Remember what daddy told you before he left?
Son: Yea, daddy said, if I miss him, I can do two things. One is to pick the phone and call him at anytime and two is to pray to God.
Mommy: That's right son.
Son: Mommy I want to call daddy now.
Mommy: Err..not now son it's expensive to call your daddy now. Wait till tonite after 9.00pm.
Son: Err...but err..but spiderman movie doesn't finish at least not until 9.30pm and you said i need to sleep at 9.30pm
Mommy: Your choice son, spiderman or daddy?
Son: Daddy loh.
I wonder who to believe after this considering I never gotten a call on the supposed day that my son and my wife claim this had happenned. Just 2 more days until I can put both on trial and find out the TRUTH! Let's see who CAN'T HANDLE the TRUTH!